Sunday, September 26, 2010

Body Movin', Getcho Body Movin'

Here's the goods y'all.

1. For time: In the following order without resting.

100 Over Head Squats (use a broom stick, check-out a body bar at the fitwell desk, I suggest going to home depot and getting your very own PVC pipe. You can even fill it with sand and put caps on the ends for an extra zinger. DO IT!)
100 Leg Levers (both legs together, 6 inches off the ground at the bottom.)
100 Supermans
100 2-count flutter kicks

2. for time:

-Walking Lunges
30 Jumping Jacks or 50 jump ropes after each set of lunges and situps.

eg; 10 Lunges, 10 situps, 30 JJ, 20 lunges, 20 sit... etc..

enjoy and post thoughts, times, and other cool stuff to comments. Be well.


  1. WD #1 10:05. Boy, was it hot outside tonight! Thanks Mark, Amanda, Maggie and James for working out with me!


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