Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weathered Veterans of BHIP

Here are the two workouts for you all to do:

1. Death By PUSHUPS: 1 extra pushup on the minute, every minute until failure to complete all pushups in a minute. (just like "Death by 10m")

----------------- Rest 3 Minutes ------------------------------

3 minute max squat
3 minute max situps
3 x 20 hollow rock, 20 superman

2 minute max squats
2 minute max situps
1 x 20 hollow rock, 20 superman

*Post your death round.

2. 10 x SPRINT 40m

1:3 :: Work:Rest

So if it takes you 10 seconds to complete a 40m Sprint, then you rest for 30 seconds before beginning the next effort. Try to stay consistent for all 10 sprints. Maintain good form. All-out efforts.

* Post your best and worst times.


  1. Any nooners free for a Death Round on Monday? Will, Cindy, anyone?

    Bill "Caveman" Aberbuch

  2. Rus, what is a hollow rock? I don't remember this one.

  3. I didn't know what it was either but I found a video on youtube that pretty much shows and it explains how to do it. I'm guessing it looks a lot easier than it really is! Here is the link. If it doesn't work, just go to youtube and it's called "Crossfit Hollow Rock."

  4. Funny after I posted my question, I found the same link on youtube. Thanks for sharing. It does look pretty simple but I know it will be a challenge.

  5. death by push up - yikes I got to 15, thanks Paul Tonya, Barbara and Jollie

  6. hahahahahaha... ATTA GIRL LANIIII!!! I'm so friggin proud of you! I'm so amped for everyone. You all are awesome!

  7. 10x 40m sprints: Started at 14 seconds and ended at ~12second...woooohoooo!

  8. Death by pushups - 15 OR 18*
    I got through 15 pushup rounds, and did the last three rounds (16-18) as knee pushups (my back was dying).

    Thanks Mark for doing this workout with me!

    Also, Rusticles, I might have cursed you a few times in this workout, especially the part after the death by pushups. :)

  9. Death by pushups: 20

    squats: 150
    situps: 65

    squats: 123
    situps: 50

    You're welcome Andrea! Actually, Thank you for working out with me too!


    I hated you for this workout and Thank you though!! BRING IT ON!!!


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