Wednesday, August 18, 2010

OUCH. Things might get messy..

This is a short, yet furious one. Great little gag you can pull on your friends.. looks like nothing special at first, but boy, does it pack a punch. Great indicator of overall power.

Workout for 8/19:

Barbell Thrusters 65/45 max
Pullups (assisted/rows if needed)



  1. My first FRAN: 8:50
    That was HARD!!

  2. Qoute of the day: "That was worse than giving brith" - Kim

    No kidding, Margaret. You did great though. Everyone did.

    I did my first Fran, being able to do 26 dead-hang pullups straight without breaking a sweat, with 65 pounds instead the the prescribe 95. Took me like 16 minutes and the pool of sweat that I left was the only impressive part of that.


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