Monday, November 7, 2011

Welcome to weather.

Folks, weather changes. Deal with it accordingly.

Fitwell is very limited with space. Especially now with the temporary closure of the Pauley Pavillion. We normally have very little extra room. I feel like we've managed to do pretty well considering the logistical ballet we have to do any time we need space.. Especially weekend workouts that we do as a bonus. On Friday we had even less as half of the building was closed off due to a volleyball game. When weather changes, we have even less space than normal as various clubs use the spaces along with other classes and programs. Hopefully you're getting the picture...

There's a reason we hold classes on the track.. We have no other options. Period. Unless you know where we can find a few million dollars laying around to build BHIP a staffed facility, then we're out of options. And if it's raining or there's some big thing going on then we have to make sacrifices.

Fitwell offers plenty of other options for those of you that just can't bear to live a day without exercise. We have classes and an entire strength and conditioning zone full of all sorts of things. Maybe you can go back and revisit a workout from before or just get creative on your own. The point is that you're all adults and should theoretically have the capacity to take your exercising and fitness into your own hands. This is all stuff we've said before and many people are on board. So if this doesn't apply to you and you already know, don't worry about this and disregard.



pick one:

2 x
4 x 30 second sprint :: 90-120 second recovery
1 x 2 minute sprint :: full recovery. ~ 3 minutes


10 x 100m sprints. Full recovery.

* If form breaks before the end of 100m, stop and rest more for next one.


  1. BHIP, you guys rock and do an awesome job with the use of space, I commend you!

    It sounds like a few folks were being rigid because of the rain,:( I guess that's what happens when you develop a cult following!

    Come on Bhippies, let's have some flexibility here for our fearless leaders.

    It sucks to miss out on BHIP, believe me, I know, but ultimately its our responsibility to get the work done!

    I recommend compiling an email list from your cohorts that way if you guys want to schedule a missed or extra workout in the week you can plan it!

    Hoo Ra!

  2. Another option is to come to the 6:15am class. Pardee always seems to be free at that hour and we haven't had to miss class ;).

  3. I did the IFT with Patricia on Friday.


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