Sunday, November 27, 2011

Food comas are awesome!

Happy post-Thanksgiving/Shopping frenzy Monday. Hopefully everyone is in one piece.

Thanksgiving is a very special time. It rings the beginning of bulking season for those of us (usually guys, sometimes girls) who entertain the idea of imposing our own size upon others. For some, the gains will be "accidental", but that's a whole other story.

If you're anything like me and you woke up one morning to realize that you were put on this planet to consume more resources because you've learned a way to utilize them for the sole purpose of being awesome, then this whole season is one long holiday for you. Here's my advice: exercise stimulates appetite. Think about this for a while, but don't hurt yourself.

Here's a few options for this week:

1. Hand Stand work:

- Practice and develop the hand stand. Here's some progressive pointers.

* Before you start inverting, practice spreading a progressively greater load through your hands evenly. Keep adding your own weight into your hands by leaning more and more into them.

* Active shoulders. It's not overhead just because it's above your dome. It's overhead when your shoulders say its overhead. Same applies here. Start with "downward-facing dog" pose and get your head through the window. Stack yourself really tight and keep walking your hips higher and higher as you push the ground with your hands more and more to deal with the increasing load.

* Get your hips stacked directly over your shoulder. This will take a bit of coordination, so make sure you've recovered plenty from the previous drills. Maybe even save this progression for the next day. Use a couch or a chair or something that you can rest your knees elevated enough to let you stack your hips while your hands are on the ground and shoulders are active. Remember, the more you load your hands, the more you'll have to push against the ground.

* Tighten your mid line. Imagine I'm about to punch you in the gut. Suck it in, make it tight, and get tall.

* work on getting your knees over your hips. A wall to lean on helps this. Face the wall upside-down and walk your feet up the wall as you walk your hand and body in, closer to the wall..

* Reduce/remove support. You're on your own here. It might help to have someone hold your ankles and periodically let go in very short intervals. Try walking around on your hands. This will last a matter of seconds, but it's impressive none-the-less.

2. 5 x 50 jumping jacks/double-unders/ 3x single jump ropes.
          40 flutter kicks (1 = both legs)
          30 mountain climbers
          20 hollow rocks
          10 leg levers


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, did it on 28th of Dec. Re-visiting the Hollow Rocks woke the abs up ;O.


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