Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Don't like running? Join the club..

Not everyone likes to run. Not everyone needs to run. Not everyone should run.

Here's a couple girls who certainly do ABSOLUTELY NO RUNNING. Their training won't allow it if they plan on winning at their sport.

At a body weight of 116.85lbs (53k), Julia is makes a 225 (102k) Clean + Jerk look pretty easy.

They're both really bulky and ugly and hard to look at. No wonder women flee from the sport of weightlifting.

These two girls do absolutely, positively no "cardio". Especially in the weeks leading up to a competition. They might do some light anaerobic conditioning but nothing that might steal strength from their sports. And in a sport where the winner wins by mere grams, maintaining every muscle fiber becomes pretty crucial.

They're not bulky, nor are they overweight. Much like wrestling and fighting, lifting involves weight classes; weight management is key to to this. Since "cardio" is not an option, perhaps they starve themselves.. NOPE. Food = energy. They need an abundance. So no cardio and no restrictive dieting? How could this be possible? They must have "good genes" (while the other 99.9999999% of the world got shafted with crap genes?) Do I like rhetorical questions much? Should I ask a few more of them? Do you want to punch the screen yet?

And breathe.

So if you hate running and don't want to do it, don't worry. You're not alone. It's a good skill to hone with minimal training, but it need not become a staple of your suffering.. errr.. training.

There's plenty of other things you can occupy your time with as far as exercise goes. (I like shrugs and farmer carries..)

Here's something that will still get you just as breathless as a good set of sprints.

- Squat
- Sit ups
-- 100 Jumping Jacks/Jump ropes/ double-unders in between.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love them vids!

    Interesting to watch the C&J in slow-mo. In moving from the clean to the jerk, the bar goes vertically up from front rack height to only about nine inches higher (eye level) while at the same time her whole body quickly sinks underneath it. Sweet.


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