Thursday, July 14, 2011


NO SESSIONS 7/15 -7/25!!

Hopefully we will all make it out of this disaster alive. Hopefully everone feels well prepared for whatever evil comes at us. I'll be sharpening my swords all night tonight. Make sure your tactical can-opener and spoon never leaves your side. Remember: no one is too goo for dogfood.

All kidding aside, we really hope that everyone takes a good week off from any and all training and just enjoys themselves. There are plenty of things to do out there, even if you can't drive more than 10 feet. Get creative folks.

Here's the reasoning: Our bodies respond to overload and intensity by adapting to the increasing demand. We get stronger and faster and more efficient as we stress our bodies correctly and effectively. To help sustain this cycle, it is important to take an extended rest period every few weeks to help your hormones reset and your central nervous system (CNS) to "rewire" itself correctly. Trust me, you'll come back from a rest really strong.

For those of you aching to do something, you all know what to do. Hopefully you have a jumprope, maybe an abmat, some shoes; do your thing.

Post your comments and thoughts..


  1. I think I'll do some walking lunges or broad jumps down the 405.

  2. I am going to miss y'all! I'll be jogging at the track and Silver Lake reservoir for anyone who wants to join me.

  3. What the 10 days off!??

    But I'll get flabby, my VO2 will drop. My body bumps might turn back to body lumps. I just reached new PR's in my lifts and squats, should I really trust this?

    I'm having anxiety, I'm reaching for a brown paper bag, wait, that's a sand bag.

    Well what if I ran, Cahuenga Pass Hill Repeats, will that catabolize my muscle? You know I've been at this for some 7 months now so I'd like to keep what I've gained.

    How about a few "mini WODs" of squats, lunges, sit ups and push ups in between. Surely you don't mean abstain cold turkey or maybe just lay off of the weights?

    Okay okay, I'll try it.


  4. Hmm... Rus says to trust him and we'd come back from a rest really strong. He made the same comment a couple times before, too. Well, not that I don't trust what our coach has to say about training and working out, but I'm right there with DSV. I'll probably end up doing something here and there (10 days off sounds more like an entire summer break to me), but I'll try to take an extended rest period over the 405 closure... sigh.

  5. Yes, it is time to have fun!! It is beach time!!! You know you can always run on the beach if you want to work out, but why. Enjoy the view. :-)


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