Wednesday, December 29, 2010

We eat our own dogfood around here

In February of 2009, I had the privilege of taking part in fun little weekend adventure.

I used to work at uscrossfit and was offered the opportunity to participate in the "SEALfit Camp". It was a 48 hour long (straight, no sleep) test of human resilience. One had to have the courage to start and the commitment to finish; much like the BHIP program. Every "evolution" was a test.. a very punishing, brutal, and excruciating test. I won't get into too much detail about this as we all know what it's like to overcome hardship at this point, but here's a fun little video for you all to enjoy with yours truly getting his ass beat on numerous occasions.

check out more on these camps on the SEALfit website if you so desire. There have been several other classes to go through since, including a huge one with a lot of elite crossfit athletes that has been documented for crossfit for their journal.



  1. Hey Rusty, Mary Mendoza here. You are one of my heroes, Elisa being the other. You motivate, inspire, encourage, understand, but most of all you appreciate and respect all who persevere, yeah, you have lots of heart and I am ever so grateful for this past year, cuz I found BHIP and I met you and Elisa and the rest of those who have heart. To the New Year!!! To you and to all those who perspire and persist. Peace, Mary.

  2. Happy New Year to one and all, and I second Mary's sentiments!!! All the best.


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