Monday, December 6, 2010

Stay warm with these


Death By Whatevs

Tabata Whateves

Same Death

Same Tabata

Compare and record.

Run 1 MILE. ONLY 1 MILE! For Time!

* If you neglect to time yourself, then you have failed yourself. You have essentially failed to absorb the essence of the program over the last 7 months. Your performance should be of great interest to you. Anyone can go out and schlep a mile at ease. We have been TRAINING to do it faster and better. So why not be your best? If you reply with "I didn't time it" when I ask your mile time, I will hurt you (at least in my head, which sometime manifests into reality). Just sayin'.

Have fun!

WeightWatchers Faults Processed Foods While Profiting From Them

Just Breathe: Body Has A Built-In Stress Reliever

The Real Culprit in Overeating


  1. love the just breathe article and the others too. thank you for the work outs

  2. Death By Burpees:
    Round 1: 11
    Round 2: 10

    Tabata Sit-ups:
    Both Rounds 9 or 10 sit-ups

  3. Interesting stuff by Gary Taubes who has started a blog...

  4. Posted by Jolie

    Death by 10 Meters
    Round 1 - 15
    Round 2 - 14

    Tabata Flutter Kicks
    Round 1 High: 32 Low: 28
    Round 2 High: 32 Low: 15 (barely....) Whew!

  5. ideas: (since Russ said he wanted some)

    more power snatch (so I can be there and not sick)
    more pullups
    rope climbing? I've never been good at that.
    And let's get a prowler and drag stuff around!

    Finally, I'm going to hate myself for this: sprints. I know they're good for me, despite my dislike. Maybe mix it up with some zig zag work to access other musculature or something. I dunno.

  6. I meant for the solo workouts.. i have plenty of the strength workouts. I suggest you all get creative and incorporate what you know into workouts with things you aren't so good at. God knows we can all get faster at doing burpees. Sprints are always good, as is swimming and even simple walking. Do it all!

    Jolie, you are my hero! Doing death by 10m twice is up there on the insanity scale. Along with 20 minutes of slam ball.

  7. Ran my first sub 9 minute mile since high school!

    (that counts for sub 9 - right? And Nixon was President when I was in high school!)

    Have not ran a mile since Murph. Not fun, but after the run I felt GREAT!

    Thanks for the great pep talk Russ (and Elisa). U guys are the best!

  8. Still sub 10 minutes (~9:45) which for me is good.

    It felt GREAT to run.


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