Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Girls lifting things

Ok, I realize the last post was boring. So here's some videos of people lifting impossible heavy things:

This is Dmitri Klovov lifting a little over 450 pounds over his head. Absurd right? Look how small he makes that bar look.

Ok, now lets watch girls doing cool thing:

Julia Rohde: Adorable and lifting about as much as I do. A bit humbling.

Maria De La Puente: Another little girl that humbles most football players.

This is Lidia Valentin. She's My favorite to watch. She's a healthy girl. By girl I mean she's a girly girl. She packs on the make-up, paying real careful attention to her eye shadows and accessorizes with earings. She then skips up to the bar and yanks it overhead with enough power to make even the burliest of men cower. I love it.



  1. Freakin' great post, Rus!

  2. Heck Yeah!!! I love Julia Rohde's game face.

    Some perspective...
    Julia Rohde - 5'1" 123 lbs. - final snatch was 191 lbs.
    Lidia Valentin - 5'6" 165 lbs. - snatch: 234 lbs.

  3. haha. hilarious. I could write a dissertation on lipidology and the crickets will chirp. I put up a couple videos of cute girls, and people start rustling around. 2 years of posting and I finally have you all figured out haha.

  4. ive been meaning to ask you about max numbers for women on these lifts.. good goals to work toward.

  5. Powerful girls with cute shoes ^_<
    Is anybody notice the 1/2 inch heel on Julia Rhode shoes?

  6. Thanks for throwing us a bone with Dmitri too. I could watch him all day. Mmm.

  7. I love the technique. Of the Oly lifts, I like the snatch the best because of its elegance and finesse. You can see the explosiveness as it comes off the floor but then they are very patient with it once it gets overhead. They don't come out of the squat until the right moment.

    I'd like to practice it more but my gym doesn't have bumpers and dropping their weights even on a rubber matted floor gets you the attention of the staff and a lecture.

    1. Getting that A2A mobility can be real key too. Some of these girls are almost sitting on the floor.


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