Monday, October 24, 2011

Here's a goal: Become a Muscle Car.

*Friday meets at Janss steps.*

Foam Roller: I like a pvc pipe. Seriously. If it's too firm, then glue a yoga mat to the outside.

The recommendations I gave were for those who's goals involved the innate desire to build strength-producing muscle. If that is not your goal, then those numbers do not apply to you. Simple as that. What ever your goals may be, they're YOUR goals and for YOU to take action toward. No one else's.. So if your goals involve mini-skirts, bikinis, speedo trunks, tight dress shirts, skinny jeans, tank tops, super hot facebook photos, scandalous political-career-shattering photos, etc.. then you need to address those goals head on; rather than incidentally hope and blame.

If what you've been told for many years or what you've been doing got you to where you are today and you want to change, then you will need to change those factors. I suggest completely turning your life upside down and inside out. Doing more of the same ain't gonna do it.

FYI: Exercise stimulates appetite. Bottom line. So if you're cutting calories for some odd reason, exercise if only going to hinder that. Do what ever you like with this info but it's like learning there's no santa.. You're gonna have to deal with it.

here's a few workouts for this week.

1. Two Mile Tabata

Run two miles in Tabata fashion. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. Make sure you're sprinting and not jogging. Otherwise it's a waste of time.

2.  Drake snakes are too easy, make em hard.

a lot of people are obsessed with running up and down those stairs. I get bored watching you. So try to broad-jump up the stairs.

Jump as many steps as you can consitantly for the first flight and reduce by one each subsequent flight until you run out of steps to reduce. Then start over.

So lets say you jumped 4 steps up. Continue with 4 steps all the way up that flight. recover on the way down. Then jump 3 on the next flight up. Then 2 on the next flight. Then 1. Then start over. Let's say you get three steps.. go from there.


p.s. If you feel the need to do more "cardio" after workouts because you think it's lacking in the programming, then you've missed the whole point of our training program and aren't actually working out. You're just wasting your time. Next time let me know and I'll send you on a run to get me coffee since your workouts are all pointless anyway... Thanks for your understanding.


  1. This is super helpful, thanks! Though I was half-joking, I hope it was my comment on bikinis that got this started. For the record I have other goals (10 unassisted pull-ups and maybe a tough mudder), but when all else fails vanity is a good motivator ;).

    My Questions:
    1) For those of us who are working on both gaining strength and decreasing our body fat percentage, is it essential to increase calories systematically to improve performance or are you just saying don't decrease calories? I just eat when I am hungry and don't count calories. I don't eat starches or sugars.

    2) If you are suggesting a more systemic increase of calories, which I think you are, is there a formula to determine how much one should take in based on height/gender/goals?

    3) Unrelated to diet, Lindsey mentioned there was a pull-up progression, for those working up to do the unassisted version, posted somewhere, but I couldn't find it. Any suggestions are appreciated.


  2. Zoe, yes, your commented helped. I think looking good is essential to fitness. It's not vanity, it's part of the package. Biologically, looking good DOES mean that You're healthy and your immune system is in check and you can bear young. So Bikini it up!

    My advice would be to start gettiung more conscious and proactive with protein intake. Reagrdless of goal, I think everyone should shoot for a good gram per pound of bodyweight. If you're trying to GAIN, eat for what you want to weight.

    For some this will create an overall nutrient surplus which should stimulate muscle growth beyond normal.

    For others, eating a gram/pound will will be a lot of protein and will displace other nutrients from shear satiety. Ideally, this will create a ketogenic envirionment in thebody which will hopefully stimulate body reconstitution. Thus, as the body reduces in weight, you can eat less protein and more other stuff like veggies. At the very least, the protein will help maintain muscle and aid in quick recovery.

    I suggest eating fats that come from other animals. If the animal was raised healthy (grass fed/wild caught/pastured) then it's fat is full of omega-3 which is anti-inflammatory. Olive oil and cocnut oil are awesome though. I somtimes eat/drink it straight. I would avoid vegetable and seed oils as they tend to be highly processed and very rich in omega-6 (pro-inflammatory. Flax seed oil is also pretty high in linoleic acid (omega 6) so that might not be the best choice in volume. Fish oil is better.

    As you know, I try to avoid giving nutritional advice as much as I can because it seems to be a highly inflammatory subject to many. There is a lot of good literature out there though with real science. Do an amazon/google search for Robb Wolf, that dude knows what he's talking about.


  3. Zoe,

    Pull up progression can be found here:

    It's also found in the new BHIP 2012 calendar, BTW.

  4. Rus thanks for this, it can be perplexing if you are trying to maintain or increase your muscle gains while reducing body fat percentage.

    It was recently suggested to me, not by anyone in BHIP, that if I wanted to reach a goal of 6% reduction in body fat that I needed to eat about 1300 calories to achieve that a day and of course, a healthy bump up of the cardio.

    Even at my leanest I was averaging 1500-1800 and I didn't have any tone or strength at the time, I was THINNER, at that time I didn't understand that still I needed to eat more.

    But 1300 calories, that's my Basal Metabolic Intake at best, I am suspect about this as I am not a tiny person, nor grossly overweight, and I have a normal BMI, that 1300 RX seems like an injury waiting to happen or a drop in my metabolic rate at worst.

  5. Posted by Jolie
    I was going to ask... "When you took a break from writing your manifesto, did you also imbibe?" But then I thought, a person under the influence would probably never use the word "substrate."

    Thanks for continually coming up with interesting Tuesday/Thursday workouts for us. I have a love/hate relationship with them. Today's 2 mile sprint tabata started to kick my but after ¾’s of a mile, but I was better when I stopped trying to keep up Gustavo. And Angela. And Karen. And the pesky little three-year-old pushing his own stroller.


  6. 1300 calories doesn't mean much if it's just calories. Are we talking snickers bars? A half gallon of whole milk (about 1300 calories)? Rice? Beef? Coke? Broccoli?

    1300 calories of any of those things is going to affect you differently.

    Who ever gave you that recommendation doesn't know what they're talking about and might need to do a little reading of their own before spitting out what they heard on TV.

    Yes, 1300 calories for any adult, even a 4 foot tall smurf will be disastrous. Just my two cents though. Try it out, let us know..


  7. Thanks Russ this is all super helpful. The tabata workout was pretty awesome. I am still struggling to do the sprints in proper form, but I'll get there. Starting the pull-up progression, damn.

  8. For the Tabata workout, how is the 10 sec recovery spent? Walking, jogging in place, jogging until you reach the 10 sec mark and sprint from there?

  9. I would just stop or walk. The contrast is the key.

    - Rus

  10. I feel like I'm on the hamster wheel. Since I do this on a treadmill at the gym during my lunch hour. I did a 1 mile warm up jog prior to getting into this.

    At any rate, I was ripping it and can feel my ability to stretch out this drill now in terms of my breathing, I started getting fatigued at 1.50 miles, and I was pulling my feet and digging with the arms at 1.75, by 2.0 my heart rate had bumped up an additional 5 points in the last 1/2 mile, but 20 points overall from when I began finishing at 165.

    Now if only I could run my 400m sprint at that pace!


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