Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to work.. Get busy.. At least pretend.

Welcome back everyone! Hope everyone had a pleasant weekend. It's nice to just relax, isn't it?? Yeah, right, I'm sure everyone did daily tabatas. Either way, we have a hot week ahead of us. Make sure you're going to bed hydrated, and waking up hydrated. Freeze a few water bottles and grab a couple before you leave the house.. It'll stay cold longer.

Note: If you start overheating, make sure you cool down BEFORE drinking ANY water. You may vomit and dehydrate yourself further. Procedure: Find shade. Soak your head and neck, use your shirt or a cloth as it will hold water longer. Rinse your mouth with some water and spit it out. Don't hesitate to call EMS (310-825-1491 if you're on campus), you can always send them off if you change your mind. Once you are cooled off, then drink a small amount of water periodically. Call it a day and get cooled off and keep hydrating. If you see someone who is looking like death, apply these steps to them; especially if they have stopped sweating (that's an indicator that death is not far, fyi).

Dehydration is scary. If you've ever been legitimately dehydrated, then you know. It's like being drunk, drugged, sick, hung-over, and dellusional all at once. The body really does do it's own shut-down procedure and if it gets too far in the process, it will not restart. Bummer.
Anyway, now for the fun stuff

Here's some work to do:

1. Do this all the way through with little/no rest.

10 minutes: Jump-rope/double-unders/jumping jacks
8 minutes: Overhead hold (pvc pipe, water bottle, anything challenging)/ hand-stand hold (super advanced; rest as needed, don't pass out, use your abmat under your precious dome.) The idea is to maintain active shoulders, so don't get lazy.. get em up!
6 minutes: SQUAT! Chest up, toes up, knees out. Neutral spine. No dropped chests. FULL DEPTH.
4 minutes: Situps
2 minutes: Pushups. hand release. Keep your knees OFF the ground the ENTIRE time and your toes dug in. Point your fore-fingers to 10 o'clock and 1 o'clock.



  1. The Tuesday/Thursday crew (Dan, Gustavo, Heidi, Jolie, Paul, Vicki and I) tackled this today. Thanks for continuing to provide us with challenging workouts! :)

  2. "Challenging" is Karen's nice way of saying that there's always one that sneaks up and bites you in the ass. For this, I nominate the 8 minute overhead hold. Seemed more like 18.

  3. I nominate the 10 minute Jump-rope/double-unders/jumping jacks. That was difficult for me to sustain. P.S. Give some props to Jolie because she was double-undering like a champ!

  4. Just to clarify, Karen, I was doing speedy singles, NOT double-unders. If I ever put more than two double-unders together, I'd brag so much you'd have to ask me to please leave the premises. Jolie


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