Thursday, November 18, 2010

Get Smart(er)!!

First off, I just want to remind you all that I thoroughly enjoy what I do. The best part is when you guys come in knowing that it's about to get rough and you just smile about it and laugh. It's your attitudes that drive you and determine your success in whatever you do. Just ask the most successful people around; sports and any other end of the success spectrum. They'll all tell you that it's all about attitude. You have to have a positive attitude about things; it's really the only thing in life the YOU CAN control. Those of you who read "Mind Gym" by Gary Mack already know what I'm talking about. If not, I highly suggest you read it. I find myself reading that book continuously in a loop and get something new every time. It's great. Buy a copy, read it, make your friends read it. Do it!

Also, I was going to put up a bunch of articles, but then I checked a friend's site and he already posted about a million.. so I want you guys to browse and peruse them and write a litte commentary in the comments about ones you liked.. repost them on facebook, or share them any way you like. Be the expert. Anaerobic Endurance

Read these too:


Has a vegan diet been shown to benefit epilepsy, braintumors or parkinsons? No, but a ketogenic diet has!

Epilepsy’s Big, Fat Miracle



  1. Ok - Food matrix is a total reality check for those nights when I think I just don't have anything to make... I'm disappointed that bacon (or any processed meat) isn't safe (because it is so so good) but this was no surprise ... I'm also not surprised at the increasing incidence of Celiac's disease, especially after my own personal experiment with cutting out wheat for two weeks and then trying it again.

    The ketogenic diet used to control epilepsy is fascinating - especially the lack of long term effects, after all we've heard about how bad cholesterol and fat are. Finally, the article about tracing our susceptibiity to storing fat from sugar, and the role of sugar in heart disease only back up what you've been telling us all along. It's a process, but I'm getting closer and closer to paleo. The holidays willbe challenging though...

  2. Sorry but bacon is definitely a part of my diet! I'm more of a "Primal Blueprint" kind of girl--check out He has a sensible but science-based approach to the paleo diet.
    Thanksgiving meal: turkey, mashed parsnips, roasted sweet potatoes, broccoli casserole--no one will be hungry, believe me.

    Thanks for all the articles, Russ. I'm a nutrition info-hound now, thanks to you!
    Now if I could just get my knee to get with the program. (it's not a happy bunny, er, knee).

  3. Yeah, even if they told me that bacon would kill me tomorrow, I'd still keep eating it and probably choke on it before the detriments get me. In fact, I'd like to stuff a turkey with bacon.

    Glad you guys are diggin' the reads. Even if just a couple people get some good stuff out of then, it was well worth it to me.

    I'm sure you're knee will start playing along soon, Margaret. You're head is definitely in the right place, the body will follow.

    And yes Andrea, you're totally right. Going paleo is a process. Just like the havoc we've reeked on our bodies, the transition takes time. Once the switch happens, and you realize how good you CAN feel, it's unlikely you'll sway too far afterward.

  4. Just for the record Robb Wolf is not anti-bacon. If you listen to his podcasts, he's quite the bacon aficionado. He just recommends limiting it when you're first starting out the diet and if weight loss is one of your goals.

    Obviously - go for the nitrate free stuff.

  5. oh, and if you're feeling at a lack for ideas re:paleo meals, these sites are super useful as well:

    That should definitely get you started. =)

  6. Sarah - thanks for all these websites - they're great!

  7. No problem Andrea! I've been using them liberally since I started eating Paleo in oct.


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