Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hand Stand Progression

For those of you who don't know her, this is Coach Liz showing us some progressions to work into the hand stand. She's incredibly strong and obviously very mobile and flexible. She's worked for it and it shows. Keep in mind that you might not look as distinctly accurate as she does nor might it seem as easy as Liz makes it look. Just be patient, if the intent is in the work, then progress will occur. Don't advance until you master each progression. It may take weeks, just keep at it. Repetition is key.


  1. Thank you! The video is very helpful ^_^

  2. And you want us to be able to do hand-stand pushup eventually, right?! Wow. This is a great goal!

  3. Thank you Liz, that was awesome I'm motivated!

  4. Well, for some a handstand is a goal. For others, maybe doing a downward dog without shaking and getting dizzy maybe a goal..

    When I used to instruct IFT, I would program hand-stand pushups towards the end of the quarters, and to their surprise (not mine) many if not all of the participants would get inverted simply because the workout asked for it. So you never know, but maybe it'll be a good way to waste some time during the upcoming break.

    - Rus

  5. Rus, my niece and a cousin, both 12 year old girls, were schooling me on the hand stands on Thanksgiving. Two words: sore shoulders. If I can dig up the pictures, I'll send 'em to you.

  6. @Brook: I get sore shoulders from the overhead squat, ouch!

  7. Good job, I would pay great money to see me do a hand stand LOL


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