Monday, October 17, 2011

Stronger is better.

Update: Check out more pic from Hoa dang!

In addition to:

Also Check out this video of Bolt. Listen to the cues he gives about how he gets fast..


WOW! If you didn't walk around with a certain swagger after Saturday morning, then you obviously didn't come. That was AWESOME. I wish every workout could be like that. You all did so well. Everyone had fun (or looked like they did) even though the various things you did were excruciating. That's what happens when you're strong. You can enjoy doing difficult things that few other can even imagine doing. They're still difficult, but the difference is that you CAN do them, while most CAN'T.

As much fun as it would be to always use those things and do those things in our training, it is important to realize that what we did on saturday is an EXPRESSION of our training. We could flip those tire because we've been training for that with lots of dead lifts, squats, cleans, snatches, pushups, planks, etc.. all of those individual strengths get facetted together to generate the power and forward drive to flip the tires. If any one of those factors was missing, you'd have to either compensate (injurious) with other factors or fail. Neither of those is a good option. So we just get strong and proficient in everything and apply it to a heavy-ass tire, drive it hard, and hope for the best; repeat.

In short, great job, everyone! Keep it up. Keep training and remember that you will always have opportunities to apply that training. Whether it's a mud run 10k, a triathlon, a powerlifting meet, a strongman event, or just a Saturday morning get-together. Some day it might not even be recreational. ZOMBIES!

More on protein:
I can't tell you how refreshing it was when a female participant asked how to best develop more muscle and then said that she was trying to apply the info I gave. I love it. You guys have no idea how frustrating it can get when a female asks me how she can get better at the things we do and I reply with a simple: "Just get stronger." and she'll reply with the obligatory "but I don't want to get bulky.." Makes me want to stab myself in the face with a spoon. To me, what she just said is a copout. It really is. She isn't willing to do the work and now has a seemingly good reason. The reality is that it is not realistic. It is extraordinarily hard for GUYS to get bulky. Don't believe me? Come into the Wooden Center and count the ratio of skinny boys to actually muscular guys. Very few can be considered "developed" let alone "bulky". Females have less than 10% of the testosterone (responsible for muscle size) that guys have (on average). So unless a girl is going to start hormone (test) therapy), she need not worry. Besides, few females object to having muscles. It's the work that people, not just females, object to. It's harder for guys to say "I don't want to get big" as a copout though.. That's grounds for dismissal from the male gene pool.

Back to food.. So if you're into eating more to gain strength and muscle, you're going to have to start increasing in increments. If you're diet is currently a meager 1600 calories of bird feed and you did the math and realized you need 2400 calories of power-generating, muscle-building, heavy-stuff-moving goodness, you can't expect to just start eating that much and not running into problems. This happens with kids (high school and college age) and girls when they get into sports and need to put some meat on their bones. They get told by their coach to eat more and they do... haphazardly. They overload the system and their insulin and leptin and glucagon go crazy. They usually start eating bread and rice since they get told that fat is bad (slamming head against keyboard). They immediatly get tired and fat and slow and thus solidify the theory that the food made them fat and not how their body responded to a change.

Here's a better way. Increments. So if you're at 1600 a day and need to build up. Go to 1680-1700 a day for a week. Then the next week go to 1800, then 1900, then 2000, then 2200.. Keep adding about 10% a week. Just like running and lifting. You wouldn't try to lift 300 if your dead lift was stuck at 185, right? Your hormones will lear to deal with the nutritional surplus and not be overwhelmed. It will be nice and gradual and you'll be able to gauge what works and what your body just doesn't like more of. For me, it's vegetables. I can't eat much of them. I will live in the bathroom forever if I eat more brocolli than I like. But I can eat potatoes (peeled) and saurkraut (unpasteurized) pretty well. So I stick to that. Also, fats help me a lot in my efforts of eating well over 3000 calories a day. I eat organic butter and uncured bacon frequently, but not in excess, contrary to what many have seen. Cottage cheese is a simple way to get protein but not if it gives you any immune or sinus problems.. Feel it out. Share your experiences with us.

Here's some exercises:

- 10 x 50 meter sprints. @ ~95% (stay consistant)
  - 30 second recovery. (Just walk 50 meters back.)
Rest 3-5 minutes.
- 3 x 2 minute @ ~85% (stay consistant)
  - 60-90 second recovery

"Death by Whatever"
 - Choose an exercise and start with 1 repetition. Add a repetition every minute, on the minute until you fail to complete the required repetitions for that minute. Record your score (last successfully completed minute's worth of repetitions).

rest 3 minutes

5 sets of your score in the death by of the same exercise on the minute every minute.

* So if you do pushups and your score is 12, then every minute, on the minute you will do 12 pushups for 5 minutes.
** 5 burpee penalty for failing to complete your required repetitions.


  1. Rome wasn't built in a day!

    Be hip, be patient!


  2. ZOMBIES run

  3. This is an unrelated question, but what are the benefits of using an abmat for sit-ups vs normal sit-ups or crunches?

  4. Ab mat let's you maintain neutral through the drive a little better and give a little extra range of motion. Better lumbar curve.

    - Rus

  5. I am a five foot two female and can't imagine eating 3000 calories a day.

    I do however eat a lot of protein and fat and think it is helping me to get stronger as I have definitely seen an improvement in how much I can lift. The vast majority of my calories come from good quality fat. I use organic butter, organic ghee, coconut oil and lots of flax seed oil. I also eat protein at every meal. I try to stay away from all refined foods and all sugar. I usually break down about 4 days a month and eat a lot of dark chocolate.

    I still struggle with having a bit more fat around my middle then I would like, it is a vanity thing, not a health thing, but I disagree with Russ and think looking good in a bikini/dress/short skirt is an absolutely acceptable goal and is really no different than a guy wanting to get big.

    I would be curious to hear people's experience with this caloric increase path.

  6. I am a female trying to bump up my calories, yes I still have a little left around the middle too, but I think that might be there for a reason like maybe I have a 'set-point', maybe my hormones make it stubborn, I don't know, but I'm not going to stress over what I don't know, so I'm not worrying too much, for me, it's usually the last to go and since I worked a good 7 years putting it back on, it wont leave in 1 year.

    Next, I have realized I am not in taking in enough. I am 5'6. Yes I add the healthy fats like you, and then some like avocado, seeds, and walnuts and add protein at every meal.

    I am going to try to add in increments and try rus's suggestion. However, when you eat 'clean' it means you need to eat alot more food, unless as Rus, mentioned you bump it up with fat and protein.

    Also years of letting go of messages about low fat and high grain to lower your cholesterol is not an easy shift to make, but becoming easier, I like the additional energy my body and mind has with the increased protein, and when I say increased I mean from a 20-25% to a 30% a day.

    I'll keep you posted about the results, so far, Ive dropped a few sizes. But my blouse size has remained the same even though my waist and boobs are smaller, however, my shoulders and back are getting wider. And now my thighs rub together not because they are fat, but because they are muscular. So so much for trying to lose something here or there, your body will do what it's meant to do.

  7. After yesterday's lifts (which due to injury I've been shying away from lately), I woke up feeling wonderful in a creaky, slightly sore way--that great feeling when you know your body's pushed itself just enough to need to recover (and get stronger in the process), but not so much that it's done any long-term damage.
    Thanks for the workout!

  8. Thanks for sharing DSV. I look forward to hearing how it goes.

  9. I never said looking good is an unnacceptable goal. And no one is making you do anything you wouldn't want to do. But, many athletic females ALSO look good in bikinis. Odd? Coincidence? I think not.

    Keep me posted D. I'm looking forward to hearing it.

    What's the worst that can happen from trying? If what you've been doing for years hasn't worked, why would it suddenly work now? Be objective.

    "Repeating the same experiment and expecting different results is a symptom of insanity"
    - Albert Einstein


  10. Speaking of equipment- what is your favorite type of foam roller?


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