Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fun in the sun, and a little economics.

OK guys. The sun is scorching now. Many people ask me about sun screen. I don't wear any.. never have. I've never burned either so perhaps the initial assumption that I am a cyborg jedi ninja are correct. I digress.

Many people I know use this brand and swear by it:

Try it out, let us and other know..

Read this too: Confused by SPF? Take a Number

Also, hydration. I'm sure you've all realized the importance of it. Even a 1% reduction in body water spells misery, especially in training. Many swear by "alkalized" water. Meaning it has a higher pH like that of your blood. Supposedly it means more efficient hydration. If money isn't an issue, perhaps some of you athletes can try it and let us know. Personally I like "aquahydrate" brand. Thanks in advance.

Econ 1001:
First and foremost, UCLA really is on the cutting edge and forefront of taking steps to make this place a better work place and a better educational facility. The fact that UCLA is willing to provide us with a program of such scale is testament to the commitment to the general betterment of the staff and faculty. With that said, it is important to recognize that we still have a situation with limited resources and so the rules of scarcity apply.

Originally, the funding was supposed to sustain the first 12 weeks (on ramp) only. But knowing what we know combined with the obvious demand to continue the training, we kept it going and thus spawned the "ongoing" program. As you are surely aware, the ongoing program is not sponsored or subsidized in any substantial way, yet is really where the fruit lie. We has spent countless hours and meeting negotiating a fair pricing plan which benefits all parties involved. We realize that putting dollar figures on things inherently presents push-and-pull factors that precipitate much debate. But please be aware that we are working very hard to make things fair; so that we may continue to provide you all with the best product possible regardless of the resources available to us. Most importantly, we are all very grateful to all of you for believing in the work, and in yourselves in spite of various circumstances that may stand in your way.

Keep up the good work and stay tuned for more detailed information as it will be posted soon.

Here's some fun stuff to do this week.. (some already, inadvertently did this):

100 burpees FOR TIME. For TIME. FOR time. FoR TiMe. fOr tImE.


P.S. On last thing. Make sure you're taking YOUR OWN fitness int YOUR OWN hands. If you feel like some aspect of your fitness is lacking or needs to be addressed, go ahead and address it. So if your pushups still suffer, perhaps some supplementary work to get you pushups up to par may be necessary. If some other, personal benchmark isn't where you wanted it to be, you must address it directly. Don't blame anyone for it, just act accordngly.



  1. 7/7/11 11:02; on 3/18/11 it was 13:25, getting a little faster. Keep coming back, it will work if you work it!

  2. 13:52. This is an improvement for me; it took me over 20 minutes the first time I did 100 burpees.

  3. A quick question for the trainers out there... Every time we do the 400 meter lunge walk, I'm sore for a really long time. Sometimes as long as 5 days. It's different than the soreness I experience with other workouts -- my muscles become painful to the point of feeling weak, rather than feeling tired but strong. This is not good, right? I originally thought it might get better the more I do it, but I've done the workout 3 times now with the same results. I feel like it would be more beneficial to me to do 200 meters and only be sore for a day or two so it doesn't disrupt my training. Thoughts???


  4. Beth, your head is in the right place. Yes you're absolutely right about not taking away from future training. But with bodyweight stuff, it's not too big of a deal. Your muscles are probably still tender to the touch and you can feel the jiggle when you walk. Worry not. You'll be fine. One ting that I've noticed is that many people are son concerned with forward motion that they never fully extend their knees and hips in the lunge and thus are stuck in an isometric position. Translation: you get more sore. They key is to move quickly through a full range of motion which lets your muscles engage more efficiently with less hick-ups.

    Also, ice bath. It's miserable, but You'll forget that you were even sore. Enjoy!



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