Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Muscles are sore, will is strong..

Good job last week. Many headed the call to action. It was awesome to see the collective response. Here's some advice: try not to take criticism too personally. Take it "accordingly". But DO personalize your reaction as you would want it perceived by others. Your reaction and response is what YOU control and will reflect YOUR character, regardless of the circumstances. If you completed last week's homework (even if scaled), I commend you. You have, once again, demonstrated to yourself what you are capable of doing, regardless of how undoable it may seem, and regardless of your perceived level of "culpability" to the assignment. Well done!

A few more.. Choose at least 2:


Death March: 400 Meter walking lunge. (1 lap around the track)
- 50 pushup incentive to PR: if you do not set a new personal best time, then immediately crank out 50 pushups. I suggest doing this one in a group to push each other. Yeah, it burns.. so what? Is it really that bad? Tell yourself to move faster.


Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim, Bike, Run, Row

5 Min on, 2:30 Min off, 6 Min on, 3 Min off, 7 Min on.. Done.

All out maximal efforts! Enjoy the lactate.


Jump Rope for 10 minutes. Preferably barefoot. Alternate steps and tempo.

death-by: pushups
tabata: situps (dust off those abmats)
4 minutes max squats

50 superman-banana (both sides = 1 set)

Keep up the good work! Keep pushing yourselves.


  1. Death march took 24 minutes. May have been a PR, but I did the 50 pushups anyway. Wouldn't say they were "immediate," OR "cranked out," but I cannot imagine a day without pushups anymore. What has become of me?


  2. Leigh and I did the walking lunges around the track in 20 minutes, a PR for both of us. Don't know about Leigh, but although I'm sore today I can walk downstairs without swearing at each step. Big improvement over last time when I couldn't walk properly for a week.
    Bring on Elisa's workout today!

  3. Workout #3 is sneaky. There is a cumulative effect, so that by the time I got to the superman-banana...Oh mana...I couldn't even roll myself over. Spatters of sizzling bacon grease would not have gotten any more superman-bananas out of me. I'll have to make them up over the weekend. Maybe. Reached 12 on Death by Pushups. Consistent with 10/11 on tabata situps. Only 130 squats (made MUCH more painful and challenging by the lingering effects of the Death March on Tuesday). But I'm not complaining. Just reporting. Jolie

    P.S. Pregnant Tanya finished the Death March in 17 minutes today. What?

  4. Did walking lunges yesterday around the outer ring of the track in 18 minutes. Added running up and down all of the stadium stairs for good measure. It's been a little challenging getting in and out of my office chair today - but it's all good!

  5. Lol @ pregnant Tonya comment. She's fast Jolie! She kicked it out at the lunge/push up thing a few weeks ago. Beat both Paul and Gustavo. (Not to mention me, but I'm slow.)

  6. Jolie, you are awesome! "only 130 squat".. That just brought tears of joy to my eyes. That's the set-the-bar-high level of personal expectation that I'm talking about!! You're a stud!

    Expect more of yourself and you WILL get more. Shirk the work and you'll just be left with a lingering taste of dissatisfaction.

    I have a feeling Tonya's kid is gonna burpee his or her way out and hurt the doc that tries to slap it... Just speculating.

  7. Leigh and I did the rowing workout yesterday,which was fantastic, followed by 20 pushups for good measure. We are about to do WOD #3. It's all good.

  8. Death march took 24 minutes for me, a PR but still slower than I'd like... I'm not terribly sore so I definitely should have tried to go faster. I was focused on form over speed this time, though.


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