Tuesday, December 28, 2010

holiday jeer

Hope everyone is having a festive break and ENJOYING it. Hope everyone has had a chance to do some mobility work and maybe had a little/a lot of fun.

Please post any workouts you've done or anything else you did that others might be interested.

This week, keep doing the mobility work and if you want, you can do some death-by pyramids.

So you follow the normal death-by protocol in which you add an extra repetition or sprint on the minute every minute until failure.. Then you go back down the ladder subracting a rep on the minute every minute until you're back at 1.

Choose a different movement every day and do that. Then record the movement and your max reps. Also, feel free to post the links to the mobility wods you've done that you really like.



  1. Just finished Death March 400m lunges in 24:30

    Did 5 one minute pushups yesterday and then 50 more regular pushups

    Death by 10 meters [14] on 12/27 with a round of tabata squats [11] (forgot how bad death by 10 meters was until I got through that)

    Christmas eve did back squat 5x5 [155lb] and press 5x5 [75lb]

    Planning on some burpee/situps or some sprint/jumping squat/pushups for tomorrow.

    been doing 10 min of squats
    the hip flexor biz: which is so painful and good
    calves (from the august post)
    and this stretch trying to work on getting my knees to go out during squats instead of diving in like they have a tendency for...

    Can't wait for Monday though! I miss all my peeps...

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  3. Workouts I did and others might like:
    1) Tabata rowing, followed by 4000 m; other rowing distances I tried: 6000 m; 10000 m for time
    2) 10 RFT stair sprints at Drake, alternating rounds of one step at a time versus two steps at a time
    3) 5 RFT Run 400 m, 10 pushups, 20 situps, 30 squats

    a) Spend 10 minutes in a squat every other day (cumulative) (highly recommend)
    b) Calf stretching (august post) every couple days (has helped a lot with my calves)
    c) using a strap to help stretch my hamstrings (lay flat on the ground, with a strap looped around the foot of one leg perpinducular and straight) - I think we did something similar in class without the strap


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